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The Association of South African Bookmakers

Founded in 1951, the South African Bookmakers’ Association is the leading voluntary association for bookmakers.

Our Members

The South African Bookmakers’ Association members include some of South Africa’s biggest betting shop operators along with other medium, small and stand alone operators. Membership includes both on course and off course operators.

Our Association

The Association is governed by an executive committee of up to 9 members who who meet at least once every two months to formulate and approve policy for implementation. Implementation and day to day operations are managed by the Chief Executive Officer, ably assisted by support staff. A copy of our constitution is available upon request.

Our Mission Statement:

To render to, for and on behalf of its members any services of mutual aid, whilst maintaining and promoting honourable practices amongst bookmakers and their stakeholders within the racing and wagering industry.

  • Are you up to date with industry happenings?
  • Do you have a representative voice?
  • Are you getting industry support that you may need?

If the answers are no to any of the above, then SABA membership may be perfect for you or your organisation.

Register Here