Projects 2021

The Robin Hood Foundation

The Robin Hood Foundation started informally in May 2005 when Durban businesswoman, Cindy Norcott, saw an opportunity to clothe ten poor babies for a year with her daughters’ outgrown baby clothes. After distributing second hand clothes and toiletries to needy mums at St Mary’s Hospital, seeing the emotions and hearing the many horror stories of new mums leaving with their newborn babies wrapped in newspaper, Cindy and her team of volunteers were motivated to intensify efforts and begin the “Love the Babies” project.

Within a few months, the plight of poor grannies looking after orphaned children called for “Gogo Bags”, a testament to the growing need from various poor communities and the willing support from donors, and so in 2007 the NPO, the Robin Hood Foundation, was formed. The trustees of the Robin Hood Foundation are Cindy Norcott, Liesl Kriegisch, Pat Horrmann, who all work on a voluntary basis.

The Robin Hood Foundation decided to extend their support to not only help new needy mums but also to help the grannies who look after their orphaned grandchildren. These women are the unsung heroes of the struggle against AIDS and they are amongst the poorest of the poor. Poor grannies are identified through community workers and church workers and it is our intention to hand out at least 2000 Gogo Bags every year.

SABA provided 135 food parcels to the Gogo drive in the Amaoti Area and a further 150 food parcels were handed to the Domino Foundation.

Addington Primary School

The school was founded in 1896.   Addington Senior Primary School celebrated its 80th Anniversary in 1976. In April 1992, Addington Junior Primary School joined with Addington Senior Primary School to become Addington Primary School. In August 2012 Mr R. Moodley became the principal of the school. Currently enrolment is 1537 and the school serves the greater city and beach communities. The school continues to serve as a beacon of hope.

SABA provided stationery and sports equipment to the school for the learners to assist in promoting education and ensuring the school has the necessary basic needs to achieve their objectives.